Thank you for all the memories!

As we wrap up 2023, we are reminded of all the moments, the laughter, and the challenges we embraced together this year. We are incredibly grateful for all the fantastic volunteers who dedicate their talents, for the empowering opportunities that allow our participants to flourish, and for the financial donations that equip us to serve our community.

Join us as we countdown to 2024 with some of our favorite stories from this year!

Thank you for helping us meet needs, build hope, and transform lives!


One Monday, Ema walked into FamilyPoint after school and Mr Larry asked her how she was doing. Her reply, “I’m GREAT!” She went on to tell him how she was great every day.

That’s amazing, have you ever had a bad day? She paused to think about the question, then slowly said, “Well, I’m always great when I’m here (at FPR), but at school maybe not always so great.”

When you have something that is great in your life it can help you paint a brighter picture. That one thing you enjoy most can bring joy, hope, and happiness. It can make the less great parts of life more bearable.

FPR is that one thing for many of our participants. It is the place where they are great. Thank you making FPR and our participants GREAT!

Stephanie HruzekComment