When Brandon, our Health & Sports Director, was recapping the FPR Speed trip to Track Nationals in Geneva, Ohio, he said he was exhausted. You could feel the sympathy from the rest of the staff who knew all too well how traveling with a group of children can find you feeling as if human energy is a nonrenewable resource. However, it was not for the usual reasons. His tired feet were from walking back and forth to the awards podium 84 times!

26 athletes who competed earned at least 1 medal and FPR Speed ranked number 1 in the Nation. The speed and ability was impressive. The coaches and athletes dedicated hours every week to intense workouts. Equally impactful are the team dynamics at the event. The athletes shared hotel rooms and each room had to create their own shopping list for 2 meals of every day. They quickly learned how long one loaf of bread lasts and adjusted their optimism for the second, unplanned, grocery store trip. The high school runners guided the younger athletes, they all cheered for each other, and bonded at the pool at the end of each day.

Every runner on FPR Speed is able to reach their potential because it is more than a team, it is a family. From the coaches and parents who run along side the athletes to the teammates who hold each other accountable— it is the fiber that weaves together different parts of our community.

Stephanie HruzekComment