In the journey to reach our full potential, it is humbling to realize that we cannot do it alone. We need others to encourage, challenge, inspire, and support us.

Each year during spring and summer, we walk alongside our Seniors, guiding them through the list of tasks they need to complete between the exhilarating moment of tossing their graduation camp into the air and the nerve-wracking experience of unpacking their dorm room. It is during this transition that reality sets it— they are going to college!

Admist the whirlwind of excitement and fear that engulfs them, our Seniors often express concerns around the financial side of pursuing higher education. “I will always struggle with not having enough money,” was a sobering statement made by one Senior struggling to choose between community college and university. 

Fortunately, through the generosity of our donors and the dedication of our staff, FPR was able to provide 10 college and technical school scholarships to deserving participants in 2023. These scholarships help to alleviate the financial burden and fill FPR Alumni with hope, possibility, and opportunity. Since 2019, we have awarded 41 scholarships totaling $193,000.

As FPR Alumni stepped foot onto their college campuses, they carry with them not only their own determination, resilience, and talents, but also the unwavering support of FamilyPoint Resources. Our programs, walking with participant from elementary school to Career & College Prep, are a catalyst for their success, having opened doors that may have otherwise remained closed.

Thank you for supporting the FPR mission, programs, and participants. Together we are meeting needs, building hope, and transforming lives.

Stephanie HruzekComment