In between summer camps, William, an incoming 3rd grader, was wandering around the library eating watermelon while his brother was in Robotics Camp. Judi noticed he had devoured multiple slices of watermelon as he was walking around.

“William, where are you putting all the seeds?” She asked, patiently waiting as his eyes doubled in size. He could have easily passed an audition for the Sand Lot, as he calmly said, "In the trash.”

His gears were turning as Judi went back to working at the computer. She watched as William quietly wandered around the library picking up watermelon seeds. He diligently collected all the seeds, took them to the garden, planted, and watered them. He proudly drew a sign that read WILLIAM’S WATERMELON TREE, marking his contribution to our community garden.

A gentle question can go a long way in guiding a child to discover a more fruitful path!

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